
Never want to go a moment without your favorite APOTHEKE products? Now you don't have to!

With APOTHEKE Subscriptions you can have your favorite Apotheke products delivered to your door on a monthly basis. Simply select Subscribe & Save and choose your monthly interval before adding to your cart. You'll receive a discount on your initial order and all following orders along with FREE shipping.

To edit or end your subscription, simply sign into your account and click Manage Subscription under Account Details on your account page.

Subscription Terms & Conditions

  • When you order an eligible product and enroll in our Subscription Ordering Program, you will receive notice that your subscription has been created and that your first order will be processed.
  • According to your chosen delivery schedule, we'll automatically ship out the following orders of the product you subscribed to until you choose to cancel the subscription. This is a recurring subscription and you will be notified via email five days before your subscription is set to renew. You must cancel your subscription to stop further orders from processing.
  • Must subscribe for a minimum of 3 deliveries before cancellation to receive posted discount.
  • Free shipping on all subscription orders.
  • Subscriptions and Sets cannot be combined with any other discounts.
  • Offer details (price, taxes, availability, shipping charges) are subject to change at APOTHEKE's discretion. If an item is unavailable at the time of shipment, APOTHEKE is authorized to fulfill your order with a similar items we believe will meet your expectations.
  • APOTHEKE may, at our sole discretion, terminate your subscriptions at any time without notice. If we do so, you will only be charged for orders that have been shipped to you.

If you have any questions about your subscription please email